Maria Simons

Rottingdean Whiteway Centre

Course Tutor

Maria Simons

Maria Simons is a native speaker from Teruel in the region of Aragón (Spain). She has a degree in English Philology, Cert.Ed. and the certificate TFLA (Teaching Foreign Languages to Adults).
She has been teaching Spanish for over 25 years in colleges, community centres and at university, which she has enjoyed greatly.  Also, she has experience teaching examination courses, and preparing students for GCSE and A Levels as well as teaching Spanish undergraduate courses at university.
She is based in Brighton and teaches courses from beginners to advanced levels at Adult community centres.  Among her interests are the Hispanic culture, history, music, and cinema. 

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Courses Room Date Time
Spanish Beginners - Continuation Class (moved to Thursday) GB Room 24/04/2025 18:30 - 20:00
Spanish Advanced Conversation - 5 weeks starting 12.06 GB Room 12/06/2025 16:30 - 18:00
Spanish Upper Intermediate GB Room 25/04/2025 12:00 - 13:30
Spanish Lower Intermediate GB Room 25/04/2025 10:00 - 11:30